Археолошки институт представља јединствену, централну научно-истраживачку установу у Србији која је посвећена археологији. Основала га је Српска академија наука и уметности 1947. године, а од 1961. је самостална установа.


Dancing History

  /  Workshops   /  Workshop 2 for 420PEOPLE in Viminacium

Workshop 2 for 420PEOPLE in Viminacium

On the 8-11th of March, contemporary dance group 420PEOPLE from Czech Republic was again in Viminacium

The workshop was organized by the Institute of Archaeology, with support from local organizations: Narodna biblioteka Ilija M. Petrović Požarevac, Udruženje likovnih stvaralaca Spektar, Plesni klub Bolero and Vimi Fest.

The goal of the WS2 was to further elaborate the results of the previous workshops. As the Amphitheatre of Viminacium was chosen as a performance site for 420PEOPLE, they firstly got a detailed tour of the site with PhD Ivan Bogdanović, an archaeologist and an amphitheater expert. Later on, they took part in a drawing/painting workshop at the Amphitheatre with Udruženje likovnih stvaralaca Spektar, further elaborating their inspiration, methods and themes, including ACTION PAINTING! Finally, the amazing team took part in exhausting dance/movement workshops with children and semiprofessional dancers of Plesni klub Bolero.

Below you can find the agenda of the visit

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