Workshop 1 for Il Dance in Viminacium
On the 16-21th of February, contemporary dance group Il Dance from Sweden was in Viminacium
The workshop was organized by the Institute of Archaeology, with support from local organizations: Narodna biblioteka Ilija M. Petrović Požarevac, Udruzenje likovnih stvaralaca Spektar, Uspešne žene Kostolca; Psihološki Centar, Kostolac; Škola za osnovno i srednje muzičko obrazovanje ,,Stevan Mokranjac’’, KUD Amaro Roma Kostolac and School of design, Belgrade.
The Il Dance team got their first taste of Viminacium – they visited the site, and meet its amazing community. They took part in a storytelling workshop with Narodna biblioteka Ilija M. Petrović Požarevac, Udruzenje likovnih stvaralaca Spektar, Udruženje Uspešne žene Kostolca and Psihološki centar Kostolac, focused on discovering and identifying borders, the theme of the festival in Viminacium. They took part in a music session with Škola za osnovno i srednje muzičko obrazovanje ,,Stevan Mokranjac’’, dedicated to local music, community specific melodies and instruments, detecting borders in music and in the power of music in breaking the borders! Additionally, they had a dance/movement workshop with KUD Amaro Roma Kostolac and a textile workshop with School of design, Belgrade, as well as a proper ROMAN DINNER!
Below you can find the agenda of the visit