The theme of the festival, “ReMoving Borders” signifies a process of creative collaboration, which, through workshops and general activities, aims to break down barriers between various cultural and creative activities involving diverse parties: dancers, cultural heritage experts, local artists, between different social and minority groups, between ages and genders, between time and space.
Viminacium Archeological Park is home to the ancient ruins of an important Roman military camp and the capital of the Roman province of Moesia Superior, located near the modern-day town of Kostolac in Serbia, near the confluence of the river Mlava into the Danube. The Romans established a military camp in the 1st century, which became home to the famous Legio VII Claudia. A civilian settlement developing next to the camp, and grew into a proper roman city in the 2nd century. From the 4th century onwards, the city was in slow decline. In 441 it was destroyed by Attila the Hun, and although it was rebuilt by Justinian I, the city was abandoned soon afterwards and faded into obscurity.
Today, the Park is one of most visited tourist attractions in Serbia. The excavations started in 1882, and a century and half later, the visitors can see the remains of the military camp and the civilian settlement, including the Amphitheater and a great Baths, the Mausoleum (Viminacium is world famous for more than 14.000 excavated graves!), the brick and tile workshop and the aqueducts, as well as the Limes Park – a reconstruction of a legionary camp, Domus Scientiarium – an amazing reconstruction of a roman villa as well as Vika the mammoth – the oldest inhabitant of Viminacium.
For full history of Viminacium, see: