Археолошки институт представља јединствену, централну научно-истраживачку установу у Србији која је посвећена археологији. Основала га је Српска академија наука и уметности 1947. године, а од 1961. је самостална установа.


Dancing History

  /  Workshops   /  Video Diary Workshop 2 – ilDance in Tharros

Video Diary Workshop 2 – ilDance in Tharros

Weaving Stories and Cultures: Dancing Histor(i)yies Workshop 2

The journey continues in Tharros, Italy, with Workshop 2 of the Dancing Histor(y)ies project!

Building on the magic of Workshop 1, ilDance, Polish Dance Theatre, and Italian dance companies dived deeper into Sardinian heritage—exploring traditional music, costumes, and textiles. This workshop was all about connection and collaboration, setting the stage for an extraordinary performance. With creative exchanges, logistical planning for the festival, and stunning video and photo shoots, the team brought Sardinia’s vibrant culture closer to audiences worldwide.

Stay tuned for more as these artistic worlds unite to tell Sardinia’s story through dance!


Location: Tharros (Italy)

Date: 08-10. May 2024

Organizer: Associazione Enti Locali per le Attività Culturali e di Spettacolo Dance

Groups/artistic partners: ilDance, Polish Dance Theater, ASMED Balletto di Sardegna, Compagnia Danza Estemporada, Gruppo e-Motion

Local partners: Fondazione Mont’e Prama, Soc. Coop. Penisola del Sinis, Singers and musicians (Elena Ledda and Mauro Palmas), Pinacoteca, Nazionale di Cagliari, Traditional costumes experts

The project Dancing Histor(y)ies is co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union, Национален фонд „Култура“/ National Culture Fund, Bulgaria, Ministerstvo kultury České republiky, Kulturrådet and cultural department of the Västra Götalandsregionen.

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