Археолошки институт представља јединствену, централну научно-истраживачку установу у Србији која је посвећена археологији. Основала га је Српска академија наука и уметности 1947. године, а од 1961. је самостална установа.


Dancing History

  /  News   /  Performance ChronoRAY by Derida Dance Center – 25. June 2024

Performance ChronoRAY by Derida Dance Center – 25. June 2024

ChronoRAY by Derida Dance Center


Premiere: June 25th, 2024

Location: Mausoleum, Viminacium, Serbia



Concept and Choreography: Jivko Jeliazkov

Performers: Derida Dance Center: Filip Milanov, Mihail Bonev and Stefan Vuchov + KUD AMARE ROMA

Music and sound environment: Yavor Zografski

Live music: Saša Kovač band

Visual environment: Ivelina Ivanova

Photographer and visual identity: Ivona Mashova

Costume: Snezhana Papazova

Derida production team: Atanas Maev and Mira Georgieva

Duration: 40 min

The performance incorporates different art forms (contemporary dance, visual art and music) in order to reveal the past and nowadays mysteries of the Mausoleum in the Archaeological Park Viminacium.

“ChronoRAY” is a symbolic interplay between time and enlightenment. The word “chrono” signifies the continuum of time, narrative and exploration of temporal themes within the performance. Meanwhile, “RAY” evokes imagery of light, energy, and revelation, implying an illumination of the past, present, and future.

The fusion of these two concepts in “ChronoRAY” offers a journey through time, over inner and outer borders that divide but at the same time is a prerequisite to connect. The video mapping serves as a guide, uncovering hidden truths, memories, and possibilities. The performance raises questions about the need to connect as eternal part of human social existence, understanding and meaning, and the cyclical nature of time.

The performance is an artistic collaboration between Bulgarian Derida artistic team, local Serbian musicians and minority group from Pozarevac region.

Overall, “ChronoRAY” offers a profound and thought-provoking experience, inviting audiences to embark on a transformative exploration of temporal and existential themes.

Jivko Jeliazkov is a choreographer, theatre director and co-founder (together with Atanas Maev) of the first contemporary dance center in Bulgaria – Derida Dance Center. He is Artistic Director of Derida Stage. In 2018 he was ranked one of the Top20 choreographers in Europe in the rankings of the largest contemporary dance platform in Europe “Aerowaves – dance across Europe”. In 2017 he was awarded ICARUS for the contemporary dance performance “S INNER”.  He is a choreographer and director of more than 40 shows, performed in different festivals in Europe, Asia and Canada. Jivko Jeliazkov is artistic director of a number of European projects.

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