Археолошки институт представља јединствену, централну научно-истраживачку установу у Србији која је посвећена археологији. Основала га је Српска академија наука и уметности 1947. године, а од 1961. је самостална установа.


Dancing History

  /  Tharros News   /  Performance BT’LNM (Gods’ houses) by ASMED Balletto di Sardegna, Compagnia Danza Estemporada and Gruppo e-Motion

Performance BT’LNM (Gods’ houses) by ASMED Balletto di Sardegna, Compagnia Danza Estemporada and Gruppo e-Motion

Premiere: July 12-13th, 2024

Location: Tharros Archaeological Area, Cabras, Sardegna, Italy



Concept and Choreography: Livia Lepri, Mario Coccetti e Francesca La Cava

Performers: Giovanni Karol Borrelli, Chiara Mameli, Noemi Sanna, Antonio Taurino and Sofia Zanetti

Music and sound environment: AA. VV.

Live electroacoustic music: Marco Ariano

Production: ASMED Balletto di Sardegna, Compagnia Danza Estemporada and Gruppo e-motion

Duration: 40 min



The bodies travel through channels of movement inspired by the suggestions of a land that has struggled to rise from the waters and give identity and firmness to a people who encompass values, traditions, contemporaneity, and cross-cutting languages.

There exists an invisible space between human reason and superstition, an interstice of light where the soul finds nourishment in ritual, in the sacred, and in the exploration of the divine. In that place, the Human Being elevates spiritually, connects with intangible spirits, performs acts of faith to distance themselves from the cage of the flesh, and rediscover ancestral memories. In this space, time bends, truth thins, and the only possible reality diverges into ecstasy.

A journey into a ‘sounding’ Sardinia.

A sonic, physical, environmental experience in which, by traversing traditions and listening to nature, artists and spectators can be immersed in a new condition: reaching a liminal space and the possibility of experiencing transformative practice.

The performance involves the participation of the audience.



ASMED BALLETTO DI SARDEGNA – ASMED has been operating in Sardinia since 1979. In 1982, the Balletto di Sardegna Company was founded, becoming the first officially recognized dance company in Sardinia by both institutions and the Ministry of Culture (MIC).

Their productions have created an original repertoire, always emphasizing quality and the diversification of their offerings. They collaborate with renowned choreographers and dancers from the Italian and international scene.

Over the years, they have achieved numerous awards and success. The Company has been a guest at national and international theaters and festivals.

COMPAGNIA DANZA ESTEMPORADA – The company was founded in August 1998. It is supported and recognized by the Ministry of Culture (MIC), the Region of Sardinia, and the Sardegna Foundation. Since its inception, it has produced and staged successful performances, collaborating with numerous nationally and internationally renowned artists, and participating in projects aimed at enhancing and promoting dance. The company has been a guest at national and international theaters and festivals.

GRUPPO E-MOTION – ‘’The search for gesture and personal expression is at the heart of GRUPPO E-MOTION’s performances, which are poetic and introspective journeys into human beings and contemporary society.” This contemporary dance company has been supported since 2008 by the Ministry of Culture (MIC). GRUPPO E-MOTION has participated in major festivals and theater seasons nationally and internationally, including in Italy, France, Belgium, Germany, Spain, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Serbia, Hungary, Croatia, USA, Mexico, Brazil, Egypt, Argentina, and more.

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