Археолошки институт представља јединствену, централну научно-истраживачку установу у Србији која је посвећена археологији. Основала га је Српска академија наука и уметности 1947. године, а од 1961. је самостална установа.


Dancing History

  /  Institutional partners   /  Associazione Enti Locali per le Attività Culturali e di Spettacolo

Associazione Enti Locali per le Attività Culturali e di Spettacolo

Associazione Enti Locali per le Attività Culturali e di Spettacolo / Association of Local Authorities for the cultural and performing arts events (IT) is composed of more than 100 public bodies of the Sardinia Region in Italy. Since its constitution in 1988, it aims to facilitate and support the production of cultural and entertainment activities aimed at local development; to plan the distribution of live performances and cultural initiatives; to promote the conditions to provide the community with stable, continuous, qualified and widespread initiatives to include them in the general renewal process and cultural and touristic development of Sardinia; to realize initiatives for the valorisation of the cultural and archaeological structures of Sardinia, in collaboration with public and private agencies; to support the testing of new didactic methods with particular regards to the performing arts; to establish at national and European level forms of collaboration with all the agencies and organisms operating in the sector; to promote and to favour performing arts schools that will contribute to the professional training of cultural operators. Through its European Affair Office, Assoentilocali designs and implements EU projects, promotes information and training opportunities on EU policies and opportunities, and provides targeted training amongst its network.


Antonio Giua

Antonio Giua, Project manager

Antonio Giua began his activity in the 70’s qualifying himself as organizer and artistic curator of exhibitions and events in the field of live dance, music and theatre performances at regional level. He took on the specific professional qualification of organizer and administrator in the entertainment sector, participating in 1981 in the qualification course promoted by the Ministry of Entertainment and AGIS in agreement with the Regions. From 1995 to 1998 he was a consultant for the Cabinet Office of the Department of Education and Entertainment of the Region of Sardinia. From 2003 to 2019 he was Director of the Regional Dance Circuit in Sardinia.


Marco Fresi

Marco Fresi, Institutional Relations

Since 2018 Marco Fresi has been Organizational Coordinator of the Association of Local Authorities for cultural and entertainment activities, an acknowledged Association made up of 113 Local Authorities associated with the regional territory. In 2000 he founded Spettacolo Sardegna Servizi e Management, a consulting firm specializing in the cultural and leisure sector that developed projects related to new containers (theaters, fairs, spaces for culture newly built or renovated) working with designers and property in the definition of models of management, operation, production, and start-ups. For over 15 years he has been planning and coordinating professional training courses in the entertainment and sport sector.


Alessio Schirru

Alessio Schirru, Project Assistant

Assistant project manager, he follows the technical and operational parts of the project. He organises and plans cultural and entertainment events for public administrations in Associazione Enti Locali per le Attività Culturali e di Spettacolo. Passionate about music and sport, he is committed to the protection and enhancement of culture.


Francesca Billi

Francesca Billi, Project Assistant

Contact person for the European Affairs office of Assoentilocali, Francesca Billi is expert in Italian and European policies for culture. She is responsible for the information system on European policies and initiatives within the structure, coordinates the participation in projects and initiatives of EU relevance and awareness-raising and training campaigns on the territory concerning European policies and practices for territorial development based on culture and participation.


Claudia Giua

Claudia Giua, Project Assistant

Massimo Macaluso

Massimo Macaluso, Institutional Relation Assistant

Expert in Institutional relations, Massimo is responsible for the European Affairs Office of Assoentilocali. He is in charge of designing networking strategies and institutional positioning at national and international level, in close collaboration with the Presidency and Direction of the organization.


Francesca Fanari

Francesca Fanari Administrative Secretary

Francesca Fanari has long experience in accounting since 1992 working several accounting firms. From 1996 to 1997 she worked at the Municipal Administration of Guspini, Personnel Service as Administrative Accounting Instructor. Then since 1998, she has been an employee of the Association Of Local Authorities For Cultural Activities And Entertainment as an accountant, responsible for the Administrative Sector of the Authority. She has been involved in other administrative aspects as well such as maintaining relations with suppliers, payments and tax deadlines, relations with banks, relations with customers, etc.


Barbara Argiolas

Barbara Argiolas, Communication responsible

Supporting institutions

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