Археолошки институт представља јединствену, централну научно-истраживачку установу у Србији која је посвећена археологији. Основала га је Српска академија наука и уметности 1947. године, а од 1961. је самостална установа.


Associazione Enti Locali per le Attività Culturali e di Spettacolo

  /  Associazione Enti Locali per le Attività Culturali e di Spettacolo

Associazione Enti Locali per le Attività Culturali e di Spettacolo / Association of Local Authorities for the cultural and performing arts events (IT) is composed of more than 100 public bodies of the Sardinia Region in Italy. Since its constitution in 1988, it aims to facilitate and support the production of cultural and entertainment activities aimed at local development; to plan the distribution of live performances and cultural initiatives; to promote the conditions to provide the community with stable, continuous, qualified and widespread initiatives to include them in the general renewal process and cultural and touristic development of Sardinia; to realize initiatives for the valorisation of the cultural and archaeological structures of Sardinia, in collaboration with public and private agencies; to support the testing of new didactic methods with particular regards to the performing arts; to establish at national and European level forms of collaboration with all the agencies and organisms operating in the sector; to promote and to favour performing arts schools that will contribute to the professional training of cultural operators. Through its European Affair Office, Assoentilocali designs and implements EU projects, promotes information and training opportunities on EU policies and opportunities, and provides targeted training amongst its network.



Pedro Blanco

Since 2012 is acting as Managing Director of the Consortium of the Board of the International Classical Theatre Festival of Mérida

Degree in Law. State public official since 1986. Belongs to the State Management Corps, and has served in the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Finance. Since 2012, he has been Managing Director of the Consortium of the Board of Trustees of the International Classical Theatre Festival of Mérida.

Email: pedro.blanco@festivaldemerida.es
Tel: +34 683 29 69 33

Jesús Cimarro

Jesús Cimarro

Artistic Director of  Mérida International Classical Theatre Festival since 2012.

Businessperson and theatre producer. Master in Cultural Management. Currently president of the Association of Producers and Theatres of Madrid and is, in turn, president of the State Federation of Associations of Theatre and Dance Production Companies of Spain. In addition, he has been president of the Academy of Performing Arts of Spain (AAEE) for 4 years.

Member of the European Federation of Entertainment Entrepreneurs. Since 1988, he has been president of the theatrical production and distribution company “Pentación Espectáculos S.A. (Madrid)”.

Email: jesus@pentacion.com

Tel: +34 915 239 790

Laura Gil

Laura Gil

Since 2012 is acting as Managing Director of the Consortium of the Board of the International Classical Theatre Festival of Mérida

Degree in Law. State public official since 1986. Belongs to the State Management Corps, and has served in the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Finance. Since 2012, he has been Managing Director of the Consortium of the Board of Trustees of the International Classical Theatre Festival of Mérida.

Email: pedro.blanco@festivaldemerida.es
Tel: +34 683 29 69 33

Jose Recio

Jose Recio

Head of Production at the Mérida Festival, since 2012

Performing arts producer since 1990.

He directs and manages the production company ”Planta Baja SL.”

Email: produccion@festivaldemerida.es

Tel: +34 666 671 291

Patricia Mora

Patricia Mora

Project support team (external services).

Founder and Director of Innogestiona Ambiental.

Senior expert capturing competitive European funds.

Email: patriciamora@innogestiona.es

Tel: +34 655 66 50 73

Juan Pablo Martín

Juan Pablo Martín

Project support team (external services).

Senior expert on European projects management

Email: jpmartin@innogestiona.es

Tel: +34 609 94 08 39

Roberto Ballesteros

Roberto Ballesteros

Project support team (external services).

Senior expert on internationalization and innovation processes

Email: robertoballesteros@innogestiona.es

Tel: +34 630 871 228

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