Video Diary Workshop 2 – ilDance in Viminacium
Bringing History to Life at Viminacium | ilDance Workshop 2
The Dancing Histor(y)ies project takes a deeper dive into the past with ilDance’s second workshop at Viminacium, Serbia!
This time, the amphitheater and mausoleum became the focal points as the team explored their rich narratives and the spectacles of ancient times. The workshop refined technical aspects of the performance, integrated local community talent into the creative process, and progressed the choreography, costumes, and music design. With rain plans tested and the Removing Borders festival theme as a guiding star, the project moved closer to bringing these site-specific performances to life.
Don’t miss this step in blending art, history, and community into an unforgettable dance experience!
Location: Viminacium (Serbia)
Date: 10-14. April 2024
Organizer: Institute of Archaeology Dance Groups/artistic partners: ilDance
Local partners: Uspešne žene Kostolca; Škola za osnovno i srednje muzičko obrazovanje ,,Stevan Mokranjac’’; KUD Amaro Roma Kostolac; School of design, Belgrade.
The project Dancing Histor(y)ies is co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union, Национален фонд „Култура“/ National Culture Fund, Bulgaria, Ministerstvo kultury České republiky, Kulturrådet and cultural department of the Västra Götalandsregionen.