Video Diary Workshop 2 – 420PEOPLE in Merida
The second workshop of the 420PEOPLE dance company in Festival de Merida was a huge success! Through the Dancing Histor(y)ies Project, this dynamic collaboration continues to blend contemporary dance with the city’s timeless Greco-Latin heritage.
Highlights from WS2:
Interests and ideas of the artists and partners shaped every step of the preparation.
Classic myths like Oedipus and the hero archetype fueled the creative process.
Connections grew stronger between dancers, local artists, and the community.
A major milestone: confirming the stunning Forum Portico as the stage for July’s final performance!
With the first week of July 2024 just around the corner, this co-creation journey promises an unforgettable celebration of history and movement. Don’t miss what’s next!
Location: Merida (Spain)
Date: April 2024
Organizer: Consorcio Festival Mérida Dance
Groups/artistic partners: 420PEOPLE, ilDance Other partners: Mapa das Ideias; Tourism Cluster of Extremadura
Local organizations: Consortium of the Monumental city of Merida; FEDAPA/Audiosigno; TAPTC Theatre; School/Augusto Mérida/ Greco-Latin Youth Festival; Tanit Divulgación Histórica/Emerita Augusta.
The project Dancing Histor(y)ies is co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union, Национален фонд „Култура“/ National Culture Fund, Bulgaria, Ministerstvo kultury České republiky, Kulturrådet and cultural department of the Västra Götalandsregionen.